Monday, January 23, 2012

Howdy howdy howdy

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I was busy finishing up a grant and some proposals before the holidays and then was out of province for a while on vacation. I have a few posts saved up which will post every week and a half or so. Hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sesi Miyelani's Birthday

A while back we had a birthday party for our Admin and Finance lady, Sesi (tr: Sister) Miyelani. It was, as with most things South African, a dancing affair. Someone blasted some local house music (a.k.a kwaito) from their phone and people randomly stood and danced as they saw fit.

Some pictures and video:

Sesi Miyelani dancing. We spread out tables and chairs and a had a lovely spread of cold drink (soda) and jiggies (basically crunchy Cheetos. The best).

Miyelani and Jennifer doing a traditional Tsonga dance - the electric slide.

Two carers doing a Tsonga dance, which consists mostly of shaking one's butt.

A carer and two cooks.

Apologies for the blurry end of the videos. My camera is strange.