Thursday, August 23, 2012

Laundry Day!

Some photos of a recent laundry day. I do laundry in my two tubs: George Washington and Harriet Tubman. Generally, I'll leave the clothes sit for a few hours in the soapy water because I am too lazy to really scrub the dirt out. This results in a general lack of actually clean clothing at the end of the day. So long as I don't get sent home from work for the smell, I'm okay with this.

Dankie and Motlare like to 'help' with laundry. For Dankie this means shoving clothing in the water for two seconds and then putting it into the rinse tub. For Motlare it usually means accidentally dropping my clean clothes into the dirt. That or tossing my clothespins everywhere.

Washing day dance.

At some point Dankie borrowed the camera. Hence:

The girl on the right is my next door neighbor. Both girls come to the drop-in centre after school.


  1. Amazing that your clothes survive at all!

  2. With dancing like that, I take it that all your entertainment needs are met!

  3. I want to meet Dankie and Motlare. As a BFFL, I feel that is not only appropriate but should be a mandatory part of my position.
